~ Love in Action is Service ~

Miss Beth Koziel



 Weekly Newsletter

  • Tuesday, 2/11: Vocabulary and Comprehension Test (Flashcards are below under Helpful Links)
  • Wednesday, 2/12: Spelling Test- Unit 4 Week 1
  • Friday, 2/14: Mass at 11am
    • Regular Uniforms

Lunch Volunteers Needed!
We are looking for volunteers to join the Mater Dei lunch program. Any amount of time that you can give would be greatly appreciated! In order to participate in the lunch program, all volunteers must have their state mandated clearances on file in the school office. Please see the link below for the necessary requirements.
Clearances and Volunteer Information
Volunteering at lunch consists of being in charge of one class while the students eat in their classroom or the cafeteria and go outside for recess. Your time commitment is about one hour per lunch period. If you prefer to help with a particular grade or your availability is limited to certain days of the week or month, we can work with that! To find out more or to volunteer, please email Amy Mongelluzzo at lunchprogram@materdeicatholic.com. 
Thank you for considering this request to serve our school!


Monday: Art
Tuesday: Technology
Wednesday: Spanish
Thursday: Music
Friday: Physical Education

Teacher Image


Welcome to 3B! I am very excited to be teaching 3rd grade at Mater Dei! I graduated from Immaculata University with a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education and Special Education. I love to spend time with my family, go to the beach, read, and rollerskate. This is my fourth year teaching at Mater Dei, and I am looking forward to a great year!

Mater Dei Catholic School

"Love in Action is Service"

Saint Teresa of Calcutta, known as “Mother Teresa,” was an Albanian-born Indian Roman Catholic missionary and nun who devoted her life to helping those most in need. She founded the Missionaries of Charity in India in 1950, and for over 45 years, she ministered to the poor, sick, orphaned, and dying. Mother Teresa served those who were most vulnerable and made many sacrifices to help others. She devoted her life to serving those in need without judgment.

Saint Teresa of Calcutta once said, “Love in Action is Service.”  The Mater Dei Catholic School community will embrace Mother Teresa’s philosophy throughout the 2024 -2025 school year.  We will learn more about Mother Teresa’s service to God’s people and strive to follow her example by serving others both within and outside of our school community. By focusing on creating a sense of belonging for all members of the Mater Dei community, we will mirror our hallmarks of Faith, Excellence, Service, and Community.




students at gym fundraiser


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