The Mater Dei Catholic School STREAM Lab is based on the “Maker Movement.” The “Maker Movement” is designed to allow a student-centered approach in the areas of Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics.

The STREAM Lab allows for students to flourish in an environment where they tinker, create, invent, build, and interact with each other within the curriculum. Students will build confidence in their capabilities and explore the world they live in to develop an attitude to fix, make, change, modify, and customize their world.

See what the students accomplish when working in the Stream Lab.

1st grade-Catapult spiders onto a web and build bridges according to specific dimensions.

1st Keva
1st Keva

2nd grade - Working together to accomplish a single goal.

second graders make aluminum boats to hold hearts.

2nd grade -create a structure using unusual building materials.

second graders make aluminum boats to hold hearts.

4th grade- Build rafts using straws and string.

second graders make aluminum boats to hold hearts.

4th grade - Build balloon powered cars.

second graders make aluminum boats to hold hearts.

6th grade- Build a shelter for a play area with a runoff feature.

second graders make aluminum boats to hold hearts.
second graders make aluminum boats to hold hearts.

7th grade - Build an elevator to lift weights.

7th grade - Study single celled organisms using the microscope.

second graders make aluminum boats to hold hearts.
second graders make aluminum boats to hold hearts.

My name is Mrs. Kerr.  I am a product of 18 years of Catholic education.  I attended St. Louis Elementary School in Yeadon, Delaware County.  I completed my high school education at Villa Maria Academy in Malvern.  Immaculata College was the school where I  received a Bachelor's degree.  My graduate work was completed at Villanova University.  I worked in the pharmaceutical field doing kidney research for seven years before starting a family.  I was the comptroller of a small company for the past 49 years.  I am the proud parent of 4 children -- 2 boys and 2 girls.  I started at St.Stanislaus as the first computer teacher.  I taught 2 programming languages  for 3 years. Then  I moved into the eighth grade.  During the first 5 years of Mater Dei I taught in the 7th and 8th grade.  This the thirteenth year of Mater Dei will be the eighth  year when I will be the coordinator of the activities in the Stream and Science labs for grades 1 through 8 

3rd grade - Studies the Scientific Method using Magic Fish.

Second graders build heart mountains to withstand a breath wind.

3rd grade-  Build towers with index cards - no tape.

5th grade- Build Gingerbread houses.

Second graders build heart mountains to withstand a breath wind.

5th grade - Build snowmen with tissue paper.

Second graders build heart mountains to withstand a breath wind.

6th grade-Build race cars.

Second graders build heart mountains to withstand a breath wind.

8th grade -Build a transport mechanism to cross over a chasm.

Second graders build heart mountains to withstand a breath wind.

8th grade - Erect a building using only straws and connectors.

Second graders build heart mountains to withstand a breath wind.