Handbook and Forms

Beginning of the Year Forms for 2024-2025 

All families were asked to complete and submit the Family Emergency Information Form by August 30, 2024.

The Handbook and Authorization Forms Agreement are to be filled out by August 30, 2024. Please review your information before submitting as only one submission per family is allowed for each form. 

The Publicity Refusal Form should be submitted ONLY if you do not want your child(ren) included in any school publicity. A separate form needs to be filled out for each child if you are opting out as a family. 

It is imperative that you contact the school office if you have any changes to your home address, email address, or phone numbers during the school year. 

Transportation Changes and Requests

Is your child leaving early for any reason? Does your child need to change transportation? Please fill this Google Form out for EACH child and for EACH day there is a CHANGE. Any other notes please send to officenotes@materdeicatholic.com. Thank you!

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